The human body is a complex machine with numerous parts, and types of parts. Integrated Pain Consultants works with patients suffering from a variety of complaints, but one of the most common is rotator cuff syndrome. The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body, featuring numerous parts (many of them small) that move in every possible plane. It’s no wonder that the rotator cuff is often over-stressed and sometimes torn. It has a big job and we count on it for many movements. We also invite you to learn more about Dr. Nikesh Seth and other providers including Dr. Anne-Marie Cosijns, Dr. Lisa Sparks, Dr. Michael Givens, and our team of Nurse Practitioners.
Of all potential shoulder injuries, rotator cuff syndrome is one of the most common. The shoulder is a pretty unstable ball and socket joint that is strengthened by a small group of muscles. These four muscles – infraspinatus, subscapularis, supraspinatus, and teres minor-make up the rotator cuff. They’re in charge of moving and stabilizing the shoulder.
Within “rotator cuff syndrome,” a number of muscles and tendons might be torn, frayed, or suffer from impingement or tendinitis. In other words, rotator cuff syndrome is an umbrella term for many types of injuries. The damage could be minor, such as simple tendon inflammation that may subside with rest and anti-inflammatory medication. It could be severe, such as a tendon being completely torn. There’s shoulder bursitis (when the bursa is inflamed), calcific tendonitis (bone forming within a tendon), and any degree of fraying or tearing that may or may not require surgery.
Some of the most common types of rotator cuff injuries include impingement (when a shoulder structure pinches a nerve during movement), tendonitis, calcified tendonitis, bursitis (when the sac that cushions between bone and tissue is compromised), and tears. For such small muscles, the pain from rotator cuff syndrome can be extreme and even stop movement during activities of daily living. When it comes to medication management, patients have options and are often encouraged to pair pain management with physical therapy. There are also alternative forms of pain management, such as joint injections.
Since your rotator cuff muscles keep your arm connected to your shoulder blade, it’s easy to see why rotator cuff syndrome can be so troublesome. When a tendon is involved, it’s usually tucked below the bony landscape of the shoulder, making some injuries a bit of a mystery to unravel. This doesn’t mean everyone has pain during the process. Symptoms of rotator cuff syndrome can range from clicking in the shoulder, various degrees of pain, and muscle weakness to more severe symptoms. Call Integrated Pain Consultants at 480-626-2552 and start getting treatment for your rotator cuff syndrome.